Monday 12 March 2012

How does your media product represent different social groups?

Our main character in our film is well dressed and looks almost business prepared. As you can see the main character clearly isn't somebody of lower class this means that i believe that our media product would represent the higher class citizens or people with a wealth off amount of money. As our main character looks like could be in a business this could also be a social group that our media product has represented. I think that on a whole we represented the social groups stereo typically. I have this thought due to the higher classed people being associated with huge wealth.

The way we have chosen to petray our main character to represent different social groups would basically be the same way in which the godfathers main character is used. The well dressed character also shows a stereotypical view on the higher class social group. As both our film piece and the godfather are from the same genre gangster we chose not to contrast against there representations of social groups as they seem to be the main attraction for the audience into letting them know that the character is from a higher class.

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

What does a production company do?

A production company is basically in control of the whole overall production. They pay for all the costs of the film and are asserted the role of overlooking the directors. The directors will come up with the initial idea but the production are enabled to make changes to this idea if they do not agree with it. This is because its there money thats being invested into the film.

What is your idea of a film distributor?

My idea of a film distributor would be the people that have the job of getting your finished product/film onto the big screen or on dvd to make your revenue and/or box office sales. The film distributor has to by the distribution rights off of the production company which is then sold to the cinemas. Both parties get a percentage ofthe sales when the film is shown

Who might be the distributor for your film and why?

Our film was created with an awfully low budget and its more of an independent type movie that would not be distributed onto cinemas but rather shown on television or available to purchase on dvd. I don't feel that i would that our film would require a premiere or even box office sales due to the relatively small size of the production. with all of the above factors being taken into account i believe that the best film distributor for our film would be one like film 4 that have distributed many other small productions such as 'this is England'

Where would the money come from for a film such as yours?

The money for a film would come from loads of different investors as its not a blockbuster budget film such as avatar or many others. Therefore it would be best to get loads of different investors that just invest small amounts of cash.

Why have the various people been named in your titles? which jobs appear in your titles and what order and how have you reflected this?

We have chosen to include titles in our opening film sequence as it shows and gives credit to the people that were involved in the production. Jobs such as camera editor played a big part in creating the film therefore we felt that  the people in these job roles deserved a mention in the credits therefore we put them in the titeles. we also chose the people and job roles put in the titles based on other films in the gangster genre such as the godfather.

How's your film similar institutionally to others? Name some films which would be released in a similar way.

Our film is of a small production type therefore any other small production film would be similar institutionally to ours. These could be any film that has been released by independent film company's such as film4. one on film4's most famous releases would be 'this is England'. so i would say that 'this is England' is similar institutionally to our film opening sequence.

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

In the above picture that we captured with the mac you can see the 2 main pieces of equipment we used in the filming side of our film opening sequence. These are the camera and the tripod. The camera was obviously used to capture all the shots in the opening sequence without this camera we would have been succesfull in recording the shots that we wanted to include.To keep any camera steady when filming you need to use a tripod. we used the tripod above during our opening sequence.This was necessarily in making our production look professional and capture the shots we required steadily.

Its very fortunate that our group all have i phones, we took advantage of this fortune and used face time to communicate with one another. This was possible due to the many locations that have free WiFi access all over London.
This is the mac that we as a group were personally assigned to. We were given a group log on that enabled us to store all out information to do with the media production. There are particular programs that we used on the mac such as i movie and final cut to edit the clips that we wanted into the sequence and finalize it so it was made into a finished product.
The above program is cinema 4d and was used to create the title and the media company introduction 'damian media co'
The above program is adobe and was also used to create the title and the media company introduction 'damian media co'
The above screenshot is from a program called live type. As you can see in our opening sequence we have some text that appears to be as if a type writer has produced it. This is the program we used to create a develop this effect. It  pretty simple program to use but is very effective. It worked well with what we wanted it to do as it does actually seem as if the text is being written by a typewriter.
This is final cut express its a program that was on the mac we used and is where a lot of the edit took place once we wanted to get the shots that we had captured into some sort of sequence a make them look better from there. Like any editing software you have to render the piece of footage contiously and it can be quite time consuming.However its an effective program as it allows you to see things your editing in the little windows.
The above screenshot is from a website that i believe everybody has heard of its the you tube homepage. On the website there are millions in fact billions of videos that are available to watch by anybody. So this is where we chose to put our final piece on so that we can watch it back and so can otheBlogr people that want to access it.

Blogger is the website that you are currently on, he have used it to store all of our coursework that we have done over the last few months. This ranges from research and planning to the actually final cut of the opening sequence.

Tuesday 6 March 2012

In what way does your media product use,develop or challenge forms and convetions of real media products?(i.e of film openings)

The title of the film

The title of our opening sequence is 'rags 2 riches' we decided upon this title as a group it took a huge discussion to decide upon this name. The conclusion of this title was decided upon because it majorly relates to the action that goes on in our opening sequence as the main character rises from a nobody to become successful and rich through the occupation of being a traditional gangster. Hence why the title is "rags 2 riches". This title would be a lot like other titles of well known gangster films in the multimedia industry of today.

Setting and location of the film

We chose to set our film in the streets of London, this is due to it being a modern day gangster film. Although it does have a lot of the conventions of a traditional gangster film still in place.We have contrasted against the traditional gangster films with our London setting as most of them are set in places like New York city, even though they are both big cities the american and British cultures will be different therefore causing a difference between the types of the two gangsters in both destinations.As our location is in London we believe that it will be different from other gangster films that are already available meaning that it could be quite a hit with the current gangster film viewers.

Costumes and props used

When we researched the current gangster films already on the market before we noticed that it was a key aspect to have the main characters dressed well and in clothes that are suit-like. We thought that if we challenged this convention then maybe our media piece would look unprofessional and pretty cheasy. We also believe that this is a way in which u can differentiate from other genres and classify our opening sequence as part of the gangster genre.

Camerawork and editing

The camerawork and editing that we did in our film opening sequence is very similar if not almost identical to the camerawork and editing used in previous gangster films that we researched. We edited the lighting and color effects of the entire film to make sure it wasn't to bright as other current gangster films seemed to carry that sort of sinister dull look about them.

Font style of our title sequence

In our title sequence the font we chose to include resembles a solid structure and is gold this could be concluded that our writing is like solid blocks of gold. This is very good for the conventions of the genre as gangster genre is undoubtedly always including money,wealth and gold.

The way in which the story is introduced

We use a flashback in our opening sequence as the story as basically being retold, this goes with the conventions as this same technique is used in many other films but also used in the godfather which is one of the best gangster genre films ever screened according to many people.Keeping to this convention could be costly but i believe that we managed to include the flashback appropriately and effeiceintly.

The way in which our genre is introduced

As the gangster genre stereotypicaly consists of a wealthy character we introduce into the genre when the passing of a large amount of cash is exchanged between the main character and the cab driver. This exchange of cash could almost instantly tell us that the genre is gangster because of all the money gangster stereotypes that have already been preset by previous gangster films.

The way in which our character is introduced

When our character is first screened he is introduced as a silhouette so that his identity is kept a secret and mysterious. This technique goes along with the current conventions of the gangster genre as this secret identity idea appears in many previous films before.

Special effects included

From my own conclusion of prior research we found that gangster genre films didn't tend to include a lot of special effects. Therefore as a group we decided that we didn't want to go against this convention and didn't choose to include many special effects. in fact the only special effects that are really in the whole opening sequence would be the color correction to make the settings darker and also the effects that are used on the title these effects on the title go against the conventions of an original gangster film.