Thursday 15 December 2011

Term summary

In this term i have conducted a lot of research on our genre gangster which we are planning to do for the opening sequence.We have managed to create a treatment that has been uploaded the blog and also did a rewrite of this treatment based on the results we got from a survey we carried out.This research we did has definatly influenced our idea in many ways including the characters we plan on including in the sequence. we have also done all of the following as a group:

- Initial Genre Research
- Chosen FP Genre Research (analysis of 5 opening sequences)
- Initial Ideas for Opening Sequence
- Treatment
- Treatment Pitch
- Predicted Target Audience
- Audience Research (all of the methods used)
- Audience Research findings (analysis of results)
- Target Audience Profile
- Treatment (new drafts)
- Screenplay (all of the drafts)

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Daily Upload

Today I undertook the task of doing the treatment rewrite.In this treatment i decided upon changing a few ideas that we presented in our original treatment.With these made improvements i believe our production will be much better.

Treatment Rewrite

Title:Rags to riches
An original screenplay by:Dean Landers,Damian Mathers and Josh May
Production Company Name:Damian Media co.

We are presenting a gangster film about  typical London man who starts off poor and ends up very well off because he teams up with the insiders of a well known London Gang; WestfieldGang.In doing so he eventually becomes the most feared man in the whole of the capital.

As the story unfolds we see how the main character betrays each of the supporting characters to gain respect and further power.We see this through the killings/Imprisonment and kidnaps of the supporting characters.

We have changed it from him gaining respect hourly and going up in the hierarchy to just betraying them all in one go as gaining respect hourly is pretty unrealistic.

We are trying to make it as batman meets the Godfather because we like the idea of when the Joker betrays his associates to gain all the money for himself.

Our production company plans to use the theme of trust,betrayal and money in order to achieve the desired effect of surprise targeted towards a demographic composed primarily of the male gender.

Thursday 8 December 2011

Audience Research:Interviews with members of staff

We took the time out to conduct extra research in the way of an interview. we managed to interview 5 different members of staff and they came back with a very varied opinions upon each of the questions asked. One of the main questions raised within the interview is maybe the possibility of introducing a strong female character to go against the typical conventions of male dominance in the gangster genre.

Monday 5 December 2011

Tv Drama Analysis- Holby City

TV Drama Analysis

Title: Holby CityWho made the Tv Show? The series was created by Tony McHale and Mal Young as a spin-off from the established BBC medical drama Casualty. 
What channel is it on?BBC1
What time is it on?8 o'clock

What is the Genre?Holby city would be classed as a medical drama
Who is the target audience?Nurses and everybody interested within this sort of subject.
What is the narrative?Well many people occur in fatal and less life damaging accidents and pay a visit to the hospital.But in this particular episode that i watched on the internet. A guy is fatally wounded with a gun shot from a gang of youths as he is caught up in the shooting.In the operating theatre the guy gets diphibulated as he is close to death but after the procedure he seems to be on the uprise until he suddenly goes back into a coma.
What/who is being represented?The people being represented are nurses and doctors and also injury prone people who are a part of an accident in the episode